66 - If casual sex traumatizes the f**k out of you, you are not alone - but why? Ft. Dr Massimo Fontana

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Does casual sex strike fear, regret, guilt, sadness and rejection in you when for others it seems to be fun, free and easy? In today’s episode, Louise is enjoyed by Dr. Massimo Fontana to ask WHY!

The pair discuss why casual sex can be so damn traumatic for some of us, and not others, while also sharing Louise's personal experiences so you can feel just a little bit less alone.

Louise & Dr. Massimo get into: 

  • The tie to anxious attachment

  • How sex can be mini traumas

  • The grief cycle of casual sex 

  • Why it’s particularly bad for those who are anxiously attached or with an abandonment wound

  • The concept of ‘giving yourself away’ and why we feel empty the next day

  • How to handle grief, regret, shame connected to sex; and

  • The chemicals behind being 'love drunk' 

And more.


67 - The fine line between 'a hard work partner' and 'actually, this is abuse'


65 - GIRL TALK - Can we all just be real about our sex lives? Because no one is f**king 10 times a week