65 - GIRL TALK - Can we all just be real about our sex lives? Because no one is f**king 10 times a week

Stream the episode on Apple Podcasts here and Spotify here

In this episode of Girl Talk, Louise and Monica meet in Tulum and record the episode *together* to discuss the things that people aren't talking about online -  sex, pleasure, libidos, sex lives and, more importantly, the reality of sex that no one talks about. 

In a world of everyone else looking perfect, it’s easy to get sucked into the belief that everyone is having the best sex of their life, constantly. The truth? That’s just not true. 

The pair discuss: 

  • The truths about sex that no one is talking about

  • Louise’s recent experience with dengue fever & how it impacted her sex life

  • Pressure to sleep together, pressure-to-orgasm and how to relieve this pressure (and the impact it has on your body)

  • How your environment can impact your nervous system and your libido

  • Sexual blueprints & the different ‘types’ of sex we can enjoy

  • How FIFA, gaming & stress can get in the way of your sex drive

And more.

Other GIRL TALK episodes: episodes 36 and 43 of the OPENHOUSE Podcast


66 - If casual sex traumatizes the f**k out of you, you are not alone - but why? Ft. Dr Massimo Fontana


64 - Stop asking why their behaviour is confusing and instead start asking - why am I so attracted to it?