The SOMATIC GLOW UP with louise rumball

With our Daily Devotion monthly membership, complete just 1 somatic healing practice a day to revolutionize your relationship with yourself and others.

Alleviate anxiety, release emotions and trauma, regulate your nervous system, stop feeling stuck, and rewire your future. It’s time to step into your real glow-up.

for less than $2 per day, YOU’LL GET ACCESS TO:

✔️ 40+ Somatic Healing Video Classes (5-25 minutes in length) - $1200 value

✔️ 1-2 Live Group Coaching Calls with Louise Each Month - $222 value:
Get Your Questions Answered and Heal Live

✔️ Private Community ‘The House’: Connect with Me and Hundreds of Healing Honeys so your healing journey is less lonely

✔️ 4 Deep Healing Workshops - $888 value:
Addressing Core Wounds, Nervous System Wiring & Deep Healing

✔️ A free 14 day trial to the entire Daily Devotion platform and all content

Plus 40+ bonus podcast episodes & a 6-part Nervous System 101 introductory course.

A bitesize CLASS FOR EVERY mood & morning:

  • Somatic Shaking

  • Somatic Pilates

  • EFT Tapping

  • Breathwork

  • Soothing Moving (Slow Flow)

  • Manifestation Meditations

  • Visualisations / Gratitude Practices

  • Somatic Experiencing

For 14 years, I battled fibromyalgia—

a chronic pain disorder. I spent $10,000 trying to heal it. The thing that worked?

Somatic healing.

My story


  • Don’t want to spend more time (+ $$$$$) on talk-based, intellectualizing therapy and want to be told how to actually heal.

  • Feel overwhelmed, exhausted and energetically drained by the pace of life and endless to do lists

  • Feel like a walking bag of emotional anxiety —and want to learn the tools to be able to eradicate this.

  • Feel ‘too much’ or ‘too emotional’ and wish life was more ‘calm’ rather than ‘emotional rollercoaster’

  • Find yourself painfully obsessing over people, places and things that didn’t work out (the inner voice is painful, critical and noisy).

  • Just don’t feel happy and wonder why it’s easier for everyone else

  • Dream of being a wellness and healing girly but have never been able to commit to a consistent routine or find practices that work

  • Hate meditating (even though they know they should) and practices over 15 minutes feel overwhelming.

  • Want to work holistically to heal chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, and autoimmune disorders—but don’t know where to start.

  • Often feel lonely, isolated, or like an outsider for embarking on your healing journey, as if you're the only one navigating this path


  • Finally say "Enough is enough", learn how to regulate and release fast so every day becomes more manageable

  • Step into your real glow-up—a radiance from within that shines outward, not reliant on Botox, fillers, and expensive clothes.

  • No longer feel scared of anxiety because you have all the tools to calm it and melt it away in minutes

  • Finally replace the bully in your head with a kind inner cheerleader who’s always on your side.

  • Allow your body to release the physical manifestations of intense stress, trauma, and emotional overwhelm.

  • Replace triggers and huge emotional responses with ‘I got this, everything is ok’

  • Finally meet the version of you with balanced hormones and a happy healthy body, mind and soul

  • Access your very own "OMG, you’ve changed, what happened?" moment

  • Reclaim your power, turn your life back on, and build a f**k yes life, mind, and body.

  • Be supported, loved and cherished by a community of Healing Honeys also on the same journey as you

i used to be where you are. life wasn’t “awful” but so much was missing. then, i WALKED THROUGH THE FIRE & LEARNED:

  • My chronic pain disorder Fibromyalgia was the physical manifestation of my emotional suppression and overwhelm

  • Past experiences and beliefs are lodged in our subconscious mind and body as Negative Energetic Imprints.

  • The stagnant, and dormant energy needs to be released to release old thought patterns.

  • Intellectualizing with your conscious mind does not heal us on a subconscious or energetic level.

  • What we do not express, will manifest in physical forms.

  • Once you release the energy of past experiences, you can clear space to create new wiring.

  • New thoughts and beliefs can be laid through a process of neural plasticity.

  • BUT high stress levels make this rewiring process harder.



Doing the work’, going to therapy, listening to podcasts, trying to ‘be healthy’, working out LOTS but I was in unexplainable pain.

I was also:

  • Exhausted, overworking & burnt out on repeat

  • Heartbroken AF (2 years and counting)

  • Living with horrible health anxiety + panic attacks

  • Dating avoidant men (on repeat, literally).

  • Obsessing over people from the past BAD

  • Picking up my phone the moment I woke up every morning.

  • Binge eating every weekend and using food to make me feel better.

  • Over-exercising for a dopamine hit + to battle all the food I was eating.



My Somatic Glow Up allowed me to:

  • Get my spark back mentally, physically and emotionally

  • Forgive my ex and open my heart to meet a dreamy man on a beach in Mexico

  • Enter into the healthiest relationship where I am loved, worshipped and adored

  • Launched one of the world’s biggest wellness podcasts (with 8 million+ downloads) and built a social media following of 460,000 people.

  • Lost 3KG of ‘cortisol weight’

  • Balance my hormones - I never break out & I have pain-free periods.

  • Learnt how to express emotions rather than suppress them and I am more pain-free than ever before.

  • Said goodbye to panic attacks and health anxiety.

  • Understand obsessing over others was just a reflection of my own internal nervous system and neurotransmitters!

When you decide enough is enough, the teacher appears

“Thank you for genuinely changing my life…”

“I feel like a whole new woman. This entire somatic world—uncovering and releasing stagnant energy, negative imprints, and all the things our nervous systems have been storing throughout our lives—it's incredible. It is wild. And it works.

I'm shaking off years of negative energy, other people's baggage, negative imprints, limiting beliefs—even things I didn’t realize were stored in my body. And I’ve never felt better”

“Thank you for genuinely changing my life. I needed this—I really did. I'm on the verge of tears, but that's just a testament to how special what you offer is. It's been incredibly transformative. I don’t use that word lightly; there's a real, palpable sense that I've undergone an internal glow-up.

For those who've done extensive talking therapy but haven't felt a true sense of change, this is for them. I believe it suits so many different kinds of people. So, just thank you so much”

  • "With Daily Devotion, I've made more progress in 2 months than 2 years of therapy"

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    Since working with this approach I have stopped binge eating, stopped vaping and lost 2kg. The practices are something I will do always. The tips and tricks I've learned for when we are triggered and how to respond instead of react really do work."

    -Micaela Y

  • "Connecting dots that will change generations!"

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    This is everything I’ve tried to put together for years in one. THANK YOU!

    -Lindsay Edelman

  • "What you have created is incredible"

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    "I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, this is going CHANGE LIVES, and I am so ready for it.  And the fact that we get this for less than one therapy session makes me feel like I'm cheating the system. Wow wow wow!!!!!"

    -Sam Reynolds

  • "I’ve noticed so many differences which is wild in a few weeks!"

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    My cortisol moon face is gone, my brain is super quiet, my gut issues have reduced, I feel more present, I’m laughing more, I feel more powerful and resilient. Thank you!

    - Millie B

  • "Thanks to you, my biggest achievement has been coming off of my antidepressants after over 10 years on them"

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    My favorite practice has been anger/emotional release; it helps me in a way that nothing else does. -


  • "Made friendships that will last a lifetime!"

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    The community within Daily Devotion was something I did not expect. I don't normally get involved in online group chats, but the group of girls within this community are phenomenal! I have made friendships I know will be life-long.

Free Trial unlocks: Nervous System 101 Course

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Educational information is not the same as medical or psychological advice. All information on this website is presented for educational and informative purposes only. This website is not intended to replace professional, medical or psychological advice or guidance in any capacity. By working with OPENHOUSE and the practitioners, you agree that you are not receiving medical or psychological treatment, diagnosis or support of any kind.

OPENHOUSE will not diagnose, cure, heal, treat disease or prescribe medication. If you have experienced, or are experiencing, medical concerns or symptoms, urgent or non-urgent, you are encouraged to seek medical or psychological advice from a qualified medical professional. All information delivered on this website and in-session is based on the personal observation, knowledge and experience of OPENHOUSE and the practitioners. All endorsements on this website have been provided by satisfied clients in confidence and are not intended to represent or guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results.

Please consult a medical practitioner if you are not sure whether this membership is suitable for you and your physiology. All sales of our online courses are final. We do not offer refunds, exchanges, or transfers for any course purchases under any circumstances.