Episode 02 - A Return to the Therapy Room

In Episode 2 of OPENHOUSE, Louise meets Dr Helene for their first live and open therapy session and together, not knowing where the session may take them, they start to explore how Louise feels about doing live therapy. 

  • Louise explains that having gone through a couple of months of therapy now, that perhaps these sessions may be more structured than her first set of therapy sessions. This leads Louise & Dr Helene onto discussing control and judgment and whether Louise feels like a large part of her life is controlled;

  • Louise opens up and explores her biggest and most traumatic regret and life experience to date. The two explore how emotional trauma can be severe, even when it is around situations that are seemingly less of a crisis than one would normally expect.

  • Louise goes onto explain how her experience of infidelity has caused lasting effects on her development into adulthood and Dr Helene explores Louise's memory loss around the event and why this is. 

  • Louise & Dr Helene go on to explore how judgment, perfection & overachieving from a young age has developed into an overachieving trait that continues and persists through adulthood.

  • Dr Helene queries why this may be the case and wants to better understand the reason that Louise thinks this behavioural trait has developed.

  • An ongoing theme throughout the episode is exploring who the real Louise is behind social media and the performative mask of LIFE and what it feels like to live with a lot of emotion in a society that often feels like emotions should be kept behind closed doors. 

We loved sharing Episode 2 with you - our first ever live therapy session!

We hope in this episode that people may understand that therapy is not just needed in times of crisis. It is never too late to pick up a topic to discuss with loved ones, or more preferably, a professional.

Best wishes,

Louise x

The episode is available on Spotify here, Apple Podcasts here, and a full transcript of the episode is available here.

OPENHOUSE - Episode 2 - Insta Post.jpg

Episode 03 - Live Streamed Workshop - How childhood impacts our development into adulthood


Episode 01 - “What happened to Louise Rumball?”